
Daycare Classrooms

The Discovery Room

Welcome to the Discovery Room. Each side is staffed by 2 Teachers, along with an inclusive Teacher at select times.

Our caregivers focus on building a relationship of trust in those first weeks of transition to ensure that adjustments are comfortably made as separations can be difficult sometimes.

To help children with new environments, we have family photos posted in our rooms on designated family doors. We also have photo albums of the children doing their activities in our book centre that they like looking at. Each child has a Communication Book located in their lockers for daily communications by staff, as time permits. Parents are welcome to comment and taking this book home is optional if required. We ask that they are returned the next day to continue with daily comments and/or observations.

You may request a phone conference at any time with our Teachers.

Please provide for your child:

  • stuffy or blanket for nap time
  • a clean set of extra clothes labeled with child’s name
  • sippy cups for water
  • diapers or pull-ups

We go outside daily, so please dress your children with the weather in mind.

If you have any questions, comments, concerns or requests please feel free to speak directly to staff, leave a note or comment in your child’s Communication Book.

We look forward to growing with your child and family!

~ Discovery Room Educators

Facility Features

Our room is split into 2 sections, one side for the younger group, and the other for the older group.

Daily Schedules

6:30 Room Activities

7:30 Open Centres

8:30 Snack

9:00 Open Centres/Art activities

9:45 (side B) Bathroom/diapers

10:00 Gym/Outside

10:30 Open Centres

10:45 (side A) Diapers/Bathroom

11:00 Read book/sing songs

11:15 Lunch

12:00 Nap

2:00 (side A) Wake up time/diaper changing

2:15 Snack

2:00 (side B) Snack

2:15 Diaper/bathroom

2:30 Open Centres/Art activities

3:30 Gym/Outside

4:00 Quiet activities in the room

5:00 Snack/Quiet Activities

5:30 Closing

The Explorer Room

The staff look forward to getting to know you and your child.

All child-centered activities are designed to learn in a play-based environment.

To facilitate a smooth transition we encourage parents to bring in a family picture for posting. Any pictures from another room move with the child or parents can provide updated photos.

Daycare staff welcome any communication, via email, phone or in person from parents concerning their child.

Blankets are washed every Tuesday. If the preference is to have a personal blanket washed at home, please ensure that a blanket is returned the next day.

Please take note of the whiteboard located outside our room where messages are posted about our day or any notices about upcoming events.

Parents are encouraged to drop in and observe the daily routines of Explorer Room children. Also, feel free to ask questions you may have about your child or the centre.

~ Explorer Room Staff

Facility Features

Our explorer room has an awesome loft.

Daily Schedules

6:30 Room Activities in the Toddler Room

7:30 Room Activities in Explorer Room

8:30 Open Snack

9:00 Room Activities

10:30 Gym or Outside time

11:00 Lunch

12:00 Nap/Rest/Non-Sleepers goes to Inventor Room

1:00 Gym for children that awake

2:00 Wake Up time

2:15 Open Snack and Room Activities

4:00 Gym or Outside time/clean up Gym

4:45 Join in Toddler Room

5:30 Closing

The Inventor Room

The Inventor Room staff welcome all new children and those moving up from other rooms. All activities in our play-based area to engage, stimulate and enhance developmental growth.

As in other rooms, family pictures are relocated when children move. Updated photos can be provided by parents if desired.

Communication between parents and Daycare staff is valued and encouraged about anything concerning your child.

Parents are requested to empty their child’s locker on Fridays to accommodate the use of our space by Church groups and to prevent items being misplaced or lost.

Personal blankets provided by parents are washed weekly on Fridays. Please advise us if the preference is to wash the blanket at home.

A whiteboard located outside the Inventor Room informs you of the daily activities, messages and upcoming events.

Parents are invited to drop in and observe their child and daily routines. Also, please feel free to ask questions with the staff.

Daily Schedules

6:30 Room Activities in Toddler Room

7:30 Room Activities in Explorer Room

8:00 M/W Room Activities in Inventor Room

8:30 T/Th/F Room Activities in Inventor Room

9:15 Open Snack, Gym or Outside Time

– Tuesdays – Bible Time

– Fridays – Gym/Outside Time 9:30

10:00 Room Activities

11:00 Lunch

12:00 Gym/Outside Time

12:30 Nap/Rest

1:00 Wake up/Room Activities

2:15 Open Snack

3:00 Room Activities

3:30 Outside or Gym Time

4:30 Room Activities or Outside

5:00 Join in Toddler Room

5:30 Closing